Page 72 - Ghidul Serviciilor Medicale Synevo, Ediția 2, Volum 1
P. 72

                                              AL  LABORATOARELOR  SYNEVO

       2) Specimene care nu sunt acceptate pentru izolarea bacteriilor anaerobe
       -  Exsudate şi alte produse recoltate pe tampon  din răni superficiale, abcese, arsuri, ulceraţii;
       - Tampoane vaginale, cervicale, uretrale;
       - Tampoane recoltate din tractul respirator superior, spută;
       - Materii fecale, tampoane rectale;
       - Urină.

       1.   Baker AS, B. Paton, J. Haaf (1989), Ocular infections: clinical and laboratory considerations,
          Clin.Microbiol.News. 11: 97-101.
       2.   Cheryl A.Jordan, Susan M. Stolz. Culture of Intravascular Devices. In: H.D. Isenberg ed.
          Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. Epidemiologic and Infection Control Microbiology
          1992; 11.7.1-11.7.7.
       3.   Cook JHMP. Specimen receipt and accessioning. In: H.D. Isenberg ed. Clinical Microbiology
          Procedures Handbook. 1992; 1.2.1-1.2.4.
       4.   Dumitru Buiuc, Marian Neguţ. Tratat de microbiologie clinică, 1999.
       5.   Gerri S. Hall, and Marie Pezzlo Ocular cultures. In: H.D. Isenberg ed. Clinical Microbiology
          Procedures Handbook. 1992.
       6.   Gray LD, D.P. Fedorko (1992), Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial meningitidis, Clin.Microbiol.
          Rev. 5: 130-145.
       7.   H.D. Isenberg. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 1992.
       8.   H.D. Isenberg. Essential Procedures for Clinical Microbiology, 1998.
       9.   H.D. Isenberg. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 2004.
       10.  Henry D. Isenberg, John A. Washington, Albert Balows et al. Collection, Handling and
          Processing of specimens. In: Edwin H. Lennette ed. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 4 ed.,
          1985; 73-98.
       11.  J. Michael Miller, Harvey T Holmes. Specimen collection, transport and storage. In: Patrick
          R.Muray, Ellen Jo Barron, James H. Jorgensen et al.  eds.  Manual of Clinical Microbiology.
          1995; 19-32.
       12.  J. Michael Miller, Harvey T Holmes, Karen Krisher. General principles of specimen collection
          and handling. In: Patrick R. Muray, Ellen Jo Barron, James H. Jorgensen et al. eds. Manual of
          Clinical Microbiology. 2003; 55-65.
       13.  Judith O. Sneed. Procesing and interpretataion of upper respiratory tract specimens. In:
          H.D.Isenberg ed.  Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. 1992; 1.14.1-1.14.21.
       14.  Judy Holden. Collection and Transport of Clinical Specimens for Anaerobic Culture , section
          2. In: H.D.Isenberg ed.  Esential Procedures for Clical Microbiology. 1998; 2.2.1-2.2.7.
       15.  Laura James, and Joan E. Hoppe-Bauer. Processing and interpretataion of lower respiratory
          tract specimens. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. 1992; 1.15.1-1.15.8.
       16.  Maki D.G., C.E. Weise, H.W. Sarafin (1997), A semiquantitative culture method for identifying
          intravenous - catheter - related infection., N.Engl.J.Med 296: 1305-1309.
       17.  Marie Pezzlo. Urine culture procedure. In: H.D. Isenberg ed. Clinical Microbiology Procedures
         Handbook. 1992; 1.17.15.

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